Some of the reasons people come to counseling include trauma, boundary issues, emotional baggage, unhealthy relationships, betrayal, parenting concerns, family of origin dynamics, spiritual issues, spiritual abuse, sexuality issues, sexual abuse, divorce/separation, grief/loss, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

In the counseling relationship we spend time developing emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual safety. Safety in the counseling relationship is created by curiosity, exploration, conversation, compassion, and connection. Each client gets to set the pace for their therapy based on what they want and need. Sometimes, people need to unpack a difficult relationship or circumstance. Sometimes people need healing because life has been painful, complicated, or traumatic.

Regardless, you get to tell your story and know that you will be heard and valued. Sometimes we have never spoken parts of our story out loud with another human. Our stories need to be witnessed and heard. It is often in this place of vulnerability and awareness of our utter helplessness to make things better on our own that God meets and invites us to know his truth.

Chair in a room with light and plant; Individual Therapy in Athens and Watkinsville

In therapy, with God’s help, people repair, rebuild, and restore their lives.

Group of chairs representing group for partners of sex addicts and women going through divorce

In addition to individual therapy, I offer faith-based group therapy for:

  • women who are partners of men who act out sexually (sex addicts). I am a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS-Candidate) with APSATS—the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialty. These groups are so life giving because for some women it is the only safe place they have to share their stories. Please reach out to me for more information.
  • women who are in the divorce process/journey and need a safe, small group for processing and support.

Tell Your Story. Be Known. Be Heard.

Tell Your Story. Be Known. Be Heard.