Physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues all can contribute to or cause sexual challenges. Sex therapy is designed to help people work through sexual problems and improve their sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

The client and therapist discuss the client’s history, experiences, emotions, and beliefs to identify what may have caused, contributed to, or is sustaining the sexual problem and dissatisfaction. Usually, sex therapy involves assignments the individual or couple work on at home between therapy sessions. Assignments frequently involve communication, physical and sexual education, decreasing anxiety, increasing curiosity, and exploration of sensation and perception.

Certified Sex Therapists have specialized training in both psychotherapy and sexuality.


Cup and potted plant on a table; Christian sex therapist in Watkinsville

I offer sex therapy for adult women and men and for couples with specific sexual issues.

Some of the issues treated with sex therapy include:

  • painful sex
  • vaginismus
  • sexual trauma
  • sexual anxiety
  • purity culture recovery
  • female arousal problems
  • orgasm difficulties
  • desire discrepancy
  • partners of sex addicts
Group of chairs for group therapy in Watkinsville, GA

In addition to individual and couples sex therapy, I offer faith-based group therapy for:

  • women who are partners of men who act out sexually (sex addicts). I am a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS-Candidate) with APSATS—the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialty. These groups are so life giving because for some women it is the only safe place they have to share their stories. Please reach out to me for more information.
  • women who are in the divorce process/journey and need a safe, small group for processing and support.

Tell Your Story. Be Known. Be Heard.

Tell Your Story. Be Known. Be Heard.